Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

Burnout among Anaesthetists: Time to intervene

Meenu Agrawal, Naveen Malhotra

Abstract :

 Burnout syndrome is a work related psychological syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, low personal accomplishment, depersonalization as a consequence of chronic stress. Researchers have reported that anesthetist die at a younger age than doctors in other specialty. Potential stressors are lack of control over work, time constraints, family time, and difficult clinical situations. Burnout curve carries decrease work out put despite efforts to sense of emptiness and worthlessness. Living well at work has to encourage by implementing various coping strategies. Stress is a associated part of anesthetists, its only way–outs of difficult situations management that helps .various training, coping, making it a part of pg teachings, colleague support can prevent some anesthetist from professional suicide.

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Meenu Agrawal, Naveen Malhotra, Burnout among Anaesthetists: Time to intervene, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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