Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Burden of Hospitalised Paediatric Morbidity in a Service Hospital of Central India

Dr Col Om Prakash Singh, Dr. Neeraj Anand, Dr. Ritesh Agarwal

Abstract :


Life expectancy at birth, mortality and morbidity rates are important indicators of health status of a population. This study aimed at providing statistical data related to morbidity patterns of common illnesses seen in children admitted to a secondary care hospital of services in central India.


The study population comprised of children in the age group of 0 to 12 years, admitted during the year 2012 to 2016 (from 1stJan2012 to 31stDec 2016). A retrospective record analysis was carried out from the data available in the medical records department.


During the study period, the total no. of admissions was 3253 (M–1665, F– 1588). Nearly 48.80 % (n= 1588) were girls and 51.20 (n= 1665) wereboys, with an almost equal sex ratio. Study does not show any significant gender inequality.


The study highlights that 3/4th of the hospitalised children were suffering from morbidity events like acute respiratory infections and gastroenteritis more care and attention needs to be paid in children of younger age group.

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Dr (Col) Om Prakash Singh, Dr. Neeraj Anand, Dr. Ritesh Agarwal, Burden of Hospitalised Paediatric Morbidity in a Service Hospital of Central India, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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