Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

Bullying – Societal Curse– A Serious Issue

Latha Janaki. R, Dr. Kalyani Kenneth

Abstract :

“Bullying–A Societal Curse– A Serious Issue” is mainly focusing on the concept, various forms , the effect on the victims, the ways and means to prevent bullying and help the victim to cope effectively thereby enabling them to lead a healthy positive mental health. This paper reflect upon the scientific studies carried out through out the world. This paper emphasizes on sensitizing the people involved in bullying and empowering the teachers , parents and society as a whole in providing a healthy and conducive environment to prevent the existence of bullying and the future generation lead a harmonious school life by adopting life skills education such as techniques of problem solving and conflict resolution in order to build peace in the universe and emerge as an effective and productive human being.  

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Latha Janaki. R, Dr.Kalyani Kenneth Bullying - Societal Curse- A Serious Issue Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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