Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Brick Masonry Shallow Dome as an alternative to Conventional Floor Slab

V. K. Dogra, Dr. S. N. Sinha

Abstract :

Spherical domes have been built to cover large circular areas in many old buildings. Use of these domes is often limited to the topmost / last floor due to large value of rise at the centre. Domes can be used as floors also, provided the rise at the centre is comparatively small, so that the curved top surface could be leveled with little filling. Analysis of spherical dome for uniformly distributed load due to self weight, varying load of the fill and uniformly distributed load on the projected plan area due to floor finish / superimposed load, is presented in this paper. Graphs of meridional and hoop stress with respect to increase in rise at the centre are presented for shallow spherical domes built with 115 mm thick ick masonry. Study reveals that ick masonry shallow dome is a potential alternative to conventional floor slab for circular areas.

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V. K. Dogra, Dr. S. N. Sinha Brick Masonry Shallow Dome as an alternative to Conventional Floor Slab Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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