Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017


Dr. M. Sofia Sowjanya, Dr. R. Indira Priyadarshini

Abstract :

 Introduction;  Breech is the most common form of malpresentation.It is defined as when foetus occupies a longitudinal lie with pelvic extremity at the pelvic im and head at the fundus of uterus[1].It is the most common non vertex presentation in 3–4% of pregnencies all over the world.Its incidence is 3–4% at term,22% upto 28 weeks,7% at 32 weeks.There is higher incidence of eech in earlier weeks.Prematurity is the most common cause of eech presentation.

Aims; 1.To find out the incidence of eech delivery in Nellore maternity hospital

           2.To assess the maternal and foetal outcome in eech deliveries

           3.To assess the most favourable route of delivery in eech.

Materials and methods;The present study is conducted in the Department of obstetrics and Gynaecology in Nellore ACSR medical college and hospital for 1year from May 2016 to April 2017.All the pregnant women with eech presentation at term in antenatal wards and with eech presentation in labour room are included.Both booked and unbooked cases in primigravidae and multigravidae are studied.Demographic data like age,parity,gestational age,aetiological factors of eech,mode of delivery and neonatal outcome like prematurity,congenital anamolies,IUGR have been noted.

Results;The incidence of eech is 2.3% in pregnancies attending Nellore ACSR medical college maternity block.50% are in the age group of 21–25years 3% are between 31–35years.primis accounted for 46.4% Multis accounted for 53.6%.Unbooked cases are 56.7%,Booked cases are 43.2%.Common aetiological factors of eech presentation are Multiparity(54%),Extended legs(41%) prematurity(31.6%).Majority of cases are delivered by caesarean section(71.0%).Associated maternal complications are severe anaemia(9.2%),Hypertension(9.2%),oligohydromnios(5.1%),IUGR(5.1%).Congenital malformations are 7% most of them are unbooked cases.Anencephaly(2%),immobility of joints(2%),hydrocephalus(1%),sacral meningocele(1%).Uterine anamolies are (7%) of which septate uterus is most common(3%).Neonatal outcome is good in eech delivery by caesarean section.Most of them are between 2.5kg–3.0kg.

Conclusion; Breech delivery is a high risk pregnancy with adverse foetal outcomes during pregnancy and labour.Multiparity,prematurity are most common aetiological factors.caesarean section is the most common mode of delivery with minimal foetal loss with good Apgar score.Caesarean section can reduce the perinatal mortality and morbidity compared to vaginal birth for term eech pregnancy.Mode of delivery should be based on case and obstetricians skill.

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Dr.M.sofia sowjanya, Dr.R.Indira priyadarshini, BREECH PRESENTATION AND MATERNAL,FOETAL OUTCOME, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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