Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Branches Network of Sbi ond other Banks

Mr. Ankit Katrodia, Dr. Vijay Pithadia

Abstract :

To study the growth of SBI and Other Banks (BOB, BOI, PNB and IDBI), various indicators i.e. Deposits, Advances, Profits, No. of Branches, No. of Employees, etc have been selected. The year 2006–07 has been selected as base year and indices have been computed for the subsequent years of the period under study. Here, an attempt has been made to study the trend of performance of the units under study during the study period to draw conclusion about the direction and extent of change in the items over the years.

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Mr. Ankit Katrodia, Dr.Vijay Pithadia Branches Network of Sbi ond other Banks Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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