Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

BRAIN ABSCESS aetiological, clinical & surgical correlations to morbidity & mortality: A Clinical retrospective study of 32 Cases

Ahmed Radhi Obaid, Riyadh Ahmed Abid, Muhammed Hameed Faeadh

Abstract :

 Thirty two patients with ain abscess were studied (6 traumatic, 5 contagious, 9 hematogenous and 12 unknown causes). The average age was 27.5 year, male to female ratio 2:1. Headache present in most cases (53%), hemiparesis in (37.5%). WBC, ESR done in all cases. Culture was available in 26 cases (Staphylococcus 21.8 %). CT–scan done in all cases, MRI in one, skull x–ray show a foreign body in two cases. 27 cases have a single lesion and 5 patients with multiple one, hydrocephalus found in 6 patients. Seven patients sustained a medical treatment (from the start), 4 with multiple and 3 have single abscess. Mortality rate was 42.8%. Twenty seven cases treated surgically (23 with aspiration alone, 2 with aspiration and excision and 2 with excision alone) with a mortality rate of 26%. The most common postsurgical complication was recurrence seen in 5 cases out of 23 who sustained an aspiration. The mortality rate for patients treated with late aspiration was higher than for patients treated with early one. The most important predictor of outcome was the patient’s condition on admission.

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Ahmed Radhi Obaid, Riyadh Ahmed Abid, Muhammed Hameed Faeadh, BRAIN ABSCESS aetiological, clinical & surgical correlations to morbidity & mortality: A Clinical retrospective study of 32 Cases, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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