Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Botox in dentistry - A systematic review

Dr. Pavithra Dandapani, Dr. Nachiammai. N

Abstract :



There are many medical and dental conditions which do not have complete treatment modalities in conventional ways. The botulinum toxin can be used as an alternative treatment modality working through chemo denervation method in many medical and dental conditions. This article explains about botulinum toxin and some of its uses in dentistry.




Dental diseases are a result of two main factors, the microbial colonization in the oral cavity and the overactive orofacial musculature. The hyperactive orofacial musculature exerts excessive biting forces and dental trauma which results in various forms of damage to the teeth and periodontium such as uxism, TMJ disorders asymmetrical smiles, oromandibular disorders and excessive gingival display and many others.These muscle generated damages can be managed both by non surgical and surgical methods, but are invasive, irreversible and expensive for most of the patients. Recently, injections of Botulinum toxin or botox have shown promising results in managing the hyperactive orofacial musculature.




Botulinum toxin or popularly known as Botox worldwide,is a neurotoxin which when used in therapeutic doses can produce wonders in cosmetic problems of orofacial regions. Its applications are not just restricted to cosmetic therapy but also has got wide array of uses in the treatment of painful dentalconditions.

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Dr. Pavithra Dandapani, Dr. Nachiammai. N, Botox in dentistry‾A systematic review, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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