Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Borderline Ovarian Tumors : A Clinical Challenge, a Case Report in Twenty Year Old Nullipara

Dr. Shraddha Bhise, Dr. Girija Wagh

Abstract :

 Epithelial tumors of the ovary are among one of the most common gynecological malignancies. Mucinous ovarian tumors comprise 15 % of all ovarian tumors. We report a case of 20 year old nullipara who presented with simple abdomino–pelvic cyst arising from right ovary approximately 19 X 9.2 X 15.4 cm. Cystectomy was done with retention of normal ovarian tissue. Histopathological diagnosis was borderline mucinous cystadenoma of endocervical type with no stromal invasion. Patient was advised regular follow–up. Mucinous cystadenoma can occur at any age and can cause considerable anxiety also there are chances of complication such as torsion, rupture and transformation of benign into malignant. In young patients with apparently benign ovarian cysts requiring removal, conservative approach of cystectomy can be undertaken in order to retain functioning ovarian tissue for endogenous hormone production and future conception.

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Dr. Shraddha Bhise, Dr. Girija Wagh Borderline Ovarian Tumors : A Clinical Challenge, a Case Report in Twenty Year Old Nullipara Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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