Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014


Dr. Usha Jain, Rajendra Singh Chouhan

Abstract :

It may appear to be an overwhelming task to draw parallel between the American iconic novelist, Mark Twain and the benevolent Indian hill writer, Ruskin Bond of the present time. Yet while reading the short story of Ruskin Bond, it is impossible to ignore the conspicuous undertones of Mark Twain amazing encapsulation of the child demeanor that ings the twain together. Ruskin Bond‘s short stories remind one of Mark Twain who was a master of delineating delicate human relationships. The undertones of Twain’s uncanny observation of child psyche resonate and manifests in the stories of Bond too. The short stories of Ruskin Bond dealing with children are worthy of comparison with the works of Mark Twain as they both exploit the relationship involving children with the same intensity of child’s playful and philosophical level. Bond’s characters are benevolent and tend to compromise where as Twain’s character can be more hostile and uncompromising under the same situation. Bond like Twain enjoys using childish pranks that are mischievous and full of energy. An idyllic snapshot of childhood is the landmark of the works of both, Ruskin Bond and Mark Twain. The characters of Twain and Bond have also strong faith in the oneness of human race. Thus Bond like Twain achieves universality while articulating with accuracy the common characteristics of his child protagonists. Their close observation of children behavior endows their persona with convincing authenticity

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Dr. Usha Jain, Rajendra Singh Chouhan BOND'S ESCALATION TO TWAINIAN HEIGHTS IN THE PORTRAYAL OF YOUNG MINDS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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