Volume : X, Issue : I, January - 2020

Blockchain Based E-Voting System

Ashwathy Menon, Vijayalakshmi Bhagat

Abstract :

Blockchain is one of the new technologies that has emerged in the recent years and has found many applications. One such application of blockchain, owing to its immutability property is an e–voting system. The electoral process conducted these days are generally centralized where a single entity has complete control over the system. Blockchain being a decentralized and distributed public ledger is one of the potential solutions to address this issue. This paper presents an implementation of blockchain based e–voting system. It explains how to create a complete blockchain network along with other data structures required. All the necessary functionalities of e–voting from authentication of voter to displaying the live vote count have been mentioned here. The system proposed here has been developed using a test–driven development approach. The system was evaluated by conducting a trial voting process and it was found that no votes were lost or tampered with during the process. The voter remains anonymous throughout the process and blockchain being a decentralized network, all the nodes have equal computational power there by making the system more secure.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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BLOCKCHAIN BASED E-VOTING SYSTEM, Ashwathy Menon, Vijayalakshmi Bhagat INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-1 | January-2020

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