Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2018


Col Dr Om Prakash Singh, Dr Ritesh Kumar Agrawal, Dr Vipul Kant Singh

Abstract :


Objective:–To construct centile charts for birth weight for infants born during August 2008 to April 2016 from 33 weeks to 42 weeks in service hospitals in Central & North India

Study design:–Cross–Sectional, Retrospective study

Subjects: –– All consecutive live born singleton infants from 33 weeks to 42 weeks of gestation in various service hospitals in Central & North India.

Methods: – Data was collected for birth weight from various service hospitals of central and North India from August 2009 to April 2016 from 33 weeks to 42 weeks. Percentiles curves were created separately for the male and female infants.

Results–:  Curves for weight percentiles at birth were created from a total of 5355 babies comprising of 2736 males and 2619 females. . The mean birth weight in male babies was 3125 grams and that in female babies was 2956 grams. The mean birth weight of male babies was higher as compared to females. As compared to other Indian growth curves the mean birth weight in this study was higher by 40 Gms to 120 gms, but lower across all gestations and centiles as compared to international data.

Conclusion: –– The updated centile charts in this study may be used as a reference charts for the birth weight for the country, as the study has been designed in the babies of services personal coming from all parts of India.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Col (Dr) Om Prakash Singh, Dr Ritesh Kumar Agrawal, Dr Vipul Kant Singh, BIRTHWEIGHT STANDARDS IN SERVICES BABIES, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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