Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Biotization and Enhanced Growth of Tissue Cultured Plants by Inducing Dual Combination of Soil Bacteria

Sunitha Panigrahi, Dr. K. Aruna Lakshmi, Prof. Y. Venkateshwarulu, Md Wajid Ali Khan

Abstract :

Tissue culture has paved way for the clonal multiplication rapidly of elite plants, crop improvement, genetic transformation, basic morphogenesis studies, and conservation and exchange of germplasms. The plantlets usually exhibit high mortality rate upon their transfer to soil as a result of transplantation shock caused by abiotic and biotic stress and weak root system in the absence of beneficial microflora. The role of such different microbes has been enumerrated in our study. Soil microbes where obtained from different soil beds, each varying in their biological activity. A single bacterium was checked for their role in plant growth then dual parameters of six different microbes, namely; Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillium, Psuedomonas, VAM and PSB were used in different proportions. Root induction of such microbes to the micropropagated plants showed increase in the root length, the shoot length, leaf primordia and the number of leaves, fresh and dry weight was more, when compared to the control and single bacteria used. This present study checks the plant growth in dual bacterial treatment given to the plants. Later there was a fedility test conducted to the biotized plants to prove the plants genetic material was of true type.  

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Sunitha Panigrahi, Dr. K. Aruna Lakshmi, Prof. Y.Venkateshwarulu, Md Wajid Ali Khan Biotization and Enhanced Growth of Tissue Cultured Plants by Inducing Dual Combination of Soil Bacteria Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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