Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Biomedical Enhancement : Issues and Challenges

Dr Col Shashivadhanan

Abstract :

Science and technology have greatly advanced our fighting capabilities. In spite ofpossessing the most lethal and developed armamentarium, the bestof the world armieshave to rely on the soldier fighting in the battle zone. Theyhappen to be the weakest link.  Hunger, fatigue, emotions,adrenaline and “fog of war” can seriously hamper his decision making and physical capabilities. These factors can seriously jeopardize the success of any military operation. Every successful army of the world has ed their own cadre of physically and mentally superior soldiers called Special Forces. Across the globe these special force conduct operations as a   small autonomous group,mostly in urban setting .They execute their work with surgical precision inflicting maximum damage to their enemies while causing minimal damage toself or the unsuspecting civilians.  America and its modern allies have undertaken various projects to strengthen the bodies and minds of its personnel so as to create the super soldier. In order to keep pace with modern warfare other countries too are following suit.The race for creating the Enhanced Soldier has begun. In order to continue its war on terror there is need for soldier who is independent, network integrated, more lethal and endowed with physiological reserves that empower him to deliver peak performance for a longer duration as compared to his unenhanced counterpart.

This paper attempts to define biomedical enhancement, itsadvantages, risks and challenges. In the ultimate analysis, it’s evident that India has no option but to rise up to this challenge and devise its own policy and guidelines. Issues of morality and ethics need to be restructured accordingly.

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Dr (Col) Shashivadhanan, Biomedical Enhancement : Issues and Challenges, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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