Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


Mandeep Kaur, Shivani Abrol

Abstract :

 Rush to biomass power generation is increasing day by day due to the rising demands of power. Biomass used today is raw material either in primary or secondary processing industries. Hence by utilizing these residues will lead to more efficient plants and in this article biomass cogeneration is done with MHD generator. The flue gases which are obtained by burning of raw material in boiler is fed to MHD along with seeding material( to increase electrical conductivity of gas) ; the hot exhaust gas of MHD is again fed to boiler thereby increasing the efficiency of boiler. Hence with cogeneration the reliability & efficiency increases. Further the flue gases are fed to Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) which is based on the Seeback effect. The output of this is used by the plant itself like in cooling fans, etc; thereby reducing the power consumption and saving is also done.

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Mandeep Kaur, Shivani Abrol BIOMASS COGENERATION PLANT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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