Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Biodiversity of Marine Benthic Algae from Intertidal Zone of Konkan Coast. (Maharashtra)

Sakhalkar S. S, Mishra R. L.

Abstract :

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the phycologists towards diverse algal flora from the coast of Konkan zone. The present work is sequel of scientific studies on marine algal flora of Dapoli tahasil of Ratnagiri district in Maharashtra.

During the algal biodiversity studies on coast of Dapoli tahasil, 46 species belonging to 34 genera were gathered. Benthic algae collected during the study belongs to Cyanophyta(02), Chlorophyta(13), Phaeophyta(09) and Rhodophyta(22).On the basis of number of taxa Rhodophyta was dominant on all the studied sites. The species-genera ratio for studied sites is 1.36 which indicates increase in pollution level of studied coast from 2000.

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SAKHALKAR S.S, MISHRA R.L. Biodiversity of Marine Benthic Algae from Intertidal Zone of Konkan Coast. (Maharashtra) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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