Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

Biocontrol Potential of Diadegma trichoptilus (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) against Tur Plume Caterpillar Exelastis atomosa Walsingham (Lepidoptera : Pterophoridae)

M. V. Sutar, Dr. T. V. Sathe

Abstract :

 Diadegma trichoptilus (Cameron) (Hymenotera:Ichneumonidae) is an internal, larval, solitary and endoparasitoid of Tur plume caterpillar Exelastis atomosa Walsingham (Lepidoptera : Pterophoridae). In field condition, in agro ecosystems of Tur Cajanus cajan (Millusp) of Kolhapur region, it caused 18.00% mortalities in second instar larvae of E. atomosa. E. atomosa serious pest of C. cajanus and difficult to control with pesticides hence, D. trichoptilus is good option as biological pest control tool. The parasitoid cocoon number collected and the mortalities in pest species were related to rainfall of the region.

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M. V. Sutar, Dr. T. V. Sathe, Biocontrol Potential of Diadegma trichoptilus (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) against Tur Plume Caterpillar Exelastis atomosa Walsingham (Lepidoptera : Pterophoridae), INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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