Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Bio–Social Profile of HIV Positive People Registered at the ICTC of a Tertiary Hospital in Assam, India

Ajit Goswami, Ripunjoy Sonowal

Abstract :

In Assam, a relatively greater increase in HIV prevalence is noted in recent years. The present paper attempts to study the socio–demographic profile and risk behaviour pattern of HIV positive people tested and registered at the ICTC of Assam Medical College and Hospital, Diugarh, Assam. Data of 90 HIV positives (M=60; 66.7% and F=30; 33.3%) tested during 2008–2010 is included in the study. Majority (24; 26.7%) were in the age group of 36–40 years. Referral by government health centre/doctor (56.57%) was the main entry point to the ICTC. Heterosexual contact (96.7%) and non–use of contraceptives (70.51%) were the high risk behaviors. Only 37.81% of the positive people had prior knowledge of HIV/AIDS at the time of testing at the ICTC. Priority targeted interventions among various risk groups needs to be intensified to check the epidemic.

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Ajit Goswami, Ripunjoy Sonowal Bio-Social Profile of HIV Positive People Registered at the ICTC of a Tertiary Hospital in Assam, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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