Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

Bilateral Accessory Peroneal Muscle – A Case Report

Dr. Renuka B. Adgaonkar, Dr. Archana Shekokar

Abstract :

The presence of accessory muscles in the peroneal compartment of human leg is one of the known anatomical variations. Its identification is important as it might become a cause of various peroneal tendinopathies, chronic ankle pain, and subluxation or undergo repeated dislocations. Also, such anomalous tendon can be potentially used for surgical reconstruction. In routine cadaveric dissection, we found bilateral accessory muscle in the lateral– peroneal compartment of a 45 years male cadaver, who was without any obvious congenital anomalies or any ankle pathology. The morphology of this muscle is entirely different from the most commonly known variant –the peroneus quartus muscle.

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Dr. Renuka B. Adgaonkar, Dr. Archana Shekokar Bilateral Accessory Peroneal Muscle - A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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