Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Behavioral Interventions in the Management of Tics Disorder in Junior High School Students

Dr. A. Gayathri, Dr. A. Hemalatha, Prof. D. Jamuna

Abstract :

The present study is an attempt to examine the effect of behavioral interventions in the management of habit disorder viz., Tics. Habit Disorders Schedule for tics was used on 180 junior high school students to assess the nature and intensity of Tics. A select sample (N=48) from the main sample (N=180) with moderate levels of Tics are subjected to interventions with an objective of reducing the intensity of Tics in junior high school students. The interventions through a pre and post test design were found to be effective.

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Dr. A. Gayathri, Dr. A. Hemalatha, Prof. D. Jamuna Behavioral Interventions in the Management of Tics Disorder in Junior High School Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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