Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Basement heterogeneity and sediment thickness of Karbi– Anglong Assam, parts of North East India inference from Gravity–Magnetic data

Ch. Ravi Kumar, Ramachandrappa, B. Pathak

Abstract :

 Karbi – Anglong forms the southern extremity of Mikir massif, represent an uplifted detached block of Shillong plateau, North East India comprising Precamian Crystalline rocks of Gneissic complex and fluvial sediments of quaternary age. The gravity and magnetic surveys in the area ought out the subsurface structures and basement heterogeneity. The results of 2D subsurface modelling and the Spectral analysis of both Gravity–Magnetic data ought out the basement configuration and the overlying average sedimentary thickness ranging from 400m to 1000m and these depths are good agreement with Werner depth solutions obtained from  gravity–magnetic data. 

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Ch. Ravi kumar, Ramachandrappa, B. Pathak, Basement heterogeneity and sediment thickness of Karbi– Anglong Assam, parts of North East India inference from Gravity–Magnetic data, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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