Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Barriers of epilepsy surgery: a survey among Indian neurologists

Rai Vinod, Shivde Paridhi, Rai Neha, Singh Mb

Abstract :

  Purpose: Epilepsy surgery is safe and effective treatment for medically refractory epilepsy. However, only a minority of such cases are referred for surgical evaluation. We investigated Indian neurologists’ views on drug refractory epilepsy, factors determining referral for surgery and their experience of epilepsy surgery.   Materials and methods: We surveyed 100 practicing neurologists gathered to attend a national level neurology conference in India. The survey questionnaire consisted of three parts: (1) Demographic data (2) Their perception of medically refractory epilepsy and important factors deciding referral for pre–surgical evaluation (3) Knowledge and experience of epilepsy surgery. Results: Among 100 neurologist 78% have treated >20 patients of epilepsy per month. Frequency of seizures (92%), knowledge of epileptogenic foci (91%), type of seizure (82%), desire of the patient to undergo surgery (81%) and duration of epilepsy (80%) were among the most important factors to consider before referral to pre surgical evaluation. Most neurologists consider at least 2 yr duration of epilepsy (83%) and frequency of at least one seizure per month (88%) before referring for surgery. Survey revealed Various factors considered important or very important by Neurologists who have referred patients for epilepsy surgery, included serious complications after surgery (90%), communication from referral centre (84%), seizure free outcome (82%) and follow up of patient after surgery (82%). Conclusion: Uncertainties about definition of refractory epilepsy, incomplete knowledge of postsurgical outcomes and complications, poor communication from epilepsy centres and fear of loss of follow up of patient after surgery contribute to the underutilization of epilepsy surgery.

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Barriers of epilepsy surgery: a survey among Indian neurologists , Rai Vinod, Shivde Paridhi, Rai Neha, Singh MB , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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