Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Band gap determination of VTe2 single crystals

Rajiv D. Vaidya

Abstract :

 The study of optical properties of solids gives a good deal of information on the electronic properties and band structures of both metals and semiconductors. The optical band gap of semiconducting materials plays an important role in deciding the photoelectric properties of the optoelectronic devices. The optical properties of VTe2 single crystals were studied using UV–visible spectrophotometer. Both direct and indirect band gap of this single crystal were determined from the analysis of the absorption spectrum near the fundamental absorption edge at room temperature. It has been found that both direct and indirect transitions are involved in the absorption process.

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Rajiv D. Vaidya Band gap determination of VTe2 single crystals Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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