Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr P. Anuradha, Dr K. Bhaskara Rao Sastry, Dr S. Prem Sagar, Dr Hafsa Tabassum

Abstract :

 Objectives: To determine the spectrum of organisms causing community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in patients requiring admission to tertiary care centers. Methods: 100 cases of CAP admitted in tertiary care centre were prospectively studied and the clinical features, risk factors, bacteriological and radiological findings were analyzed. Results: Out of 100 cases, 74% were males, 58% were aged > 50 yrs, COPD was risk factor in 30%, 30% were alcoholics, 6% were Diabetics. Sputum examination revealed Gram+ve organisms in 50% & Gram –ve organisms in 43% of cases and sputum culture was positive for Gram –ve organisms like klebsiella and E.coli in 32% and11% respectively. Radiological findings were suggestive of bilateral lower lobe involvement in 26% of patients. Conclusions: Male patients with CAP aged >50yrs having risk factors like COPD and alcoholism required admission at tertiary care centers. Sputum examination and culture results in these cases showed preponderance of Gram –ve organisms in comparison

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Dr P.Anuradha, Dr K.Bhaskara Rao Sastry, Dr S.Prem Sagar, Dr Hafsa Tabassum Bacteriological Spectrum of Community Acquired Pneumonia Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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