Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Bacteriological and Biochemical study for effect of phenolic extract of Quercus infectoria against some food–born pathogenic bacteria

Saba T. Hashim

Abstract :

Qualitative and quantitative detection of the active compounds in the phenolic extract of Quercus infectoria was conducted by using HPLC. Results showed it contains all of the following compound Tannic acid ?Isoquercetin ? Quercetin? Ferulic acid ? Rutin ? Coumaric acid ? Kaempferol ? Vanillic acid ? Sinapic acid ? Genstic acid) (.Inhibitory effectiveness was evaluated for different concentration of phenolic extract of Quercus infectoria include (0.039, 0.0781, o.156,0.312, 0.625,1.25,2.5,5,10 and 20) mg/ml separately against gram positive bacteria Bacillus subltilis and Staphylococcus aureus and three isolates of gram negative bacteria E.coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium by Monitoring this activity in the oth using absorbance measurements The results showed high inhibition effect against all bacterial isolates with the effect of concentration and genus of bacteria. The result of an acute toxicity on administration of the extract by oral route for 24 hours showed that the LD50 calculated for the extract was greater than 500 mg / kg.

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Saba T. Hashim Bacteriological and Biochemical study for effect of phenolic extract of Quercus infectoria against some food-born pathogenic bacteria Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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