Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

Bacterial Vaginosis in pregnancy and it’s fetomaternal outcome.

Dr. Chintamani Mohanta, Dr. Kumudini Pradhan, Dr. Sudhanshu Sekhar Nath, Dr. Sangram Keshari Sahoo

Abstract :

 Introduction: The presence of  Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)  at a particular gestational age may be a factor in the subsequent development of pregnancy complications and the risk for disease may change based on BV positivity during different stages of gestation. Current study aims to evaluate the prevalence of BV in obstetrics patients using easily available rapid inexpensive diagnostic tests and the detailed fetal effects and maternal effects during pregnancy and post partum periods. Aims and Objective: To study the prevalence, risk factors of BV and to evaluate the correlation between BV and adverse maternal and fetal outcome in pregnancy. Materials and Method: 204 pregnant women attending the gynaecological OPD satisfying inclusion criteria were enrolled for this study, which is done over a period of 2 years (Nov–2013 to Nov–2015) in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,in collaboration with Department of Microbiology , VSSIMSAR,Burla,Sambalpur. Results: Prevalence of bacterial Vaginosis in pregnancy  was 22.55% (46cases were Bacterial Vaginosis positive among the study group of 204cases) and more common among the 20–25years of age group ,lower SES(18.62% vs 3.92% in the high socioeconomic category of women) ,rural habitat , education of primary level of women, Hindu religion (60.86%). Unbooked Primigravida (63.04%) in the 3rd trimester were commonly affected women. Maternal complications mostly include– Premature Rupture Of Memane,Preterm labour,Chorioamnitis  and puerperal sepsis. Fetal complications include – Birth asphyxia and Low Birth Weight. Conclusion: BV can be implicated as one of the contributory factors of adverse maternal and fetal outcome.

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Dr. Chintamani Mohanta, Dr. Kumudini Pradhan, Dr.Sudhanshu Sekhar Nath, Dr. Sangram Keshari Sahoo, Bacterial Vaginosis in pregnancy and it¥s fetomaternal outcome., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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