Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Bacterial contamination of computer keyboards as a source of infection

Dr. Asma A A O Ahmad, Dr. Abdullah A A O Ahmad

Abstract :

 Computers are increasingly present in operating rooms, dental examination rooms, Intensive care unit and wards for bedside documentation. Recently they have been suspected as possible reservoirs for microorganisms and provide opportunities for the transfer of pathogens to patients and ultimately leading to cause nosocomial infections. A number of studies indicate that healthcare workers may contaminate their hands by touching contaminated environmental surfaces and that contaminated hands participate to transmit the pathogen to patients. Pathogens may also be transferred directly from contaminated environmental surfaces to susceptible host in health care setting. The purpose of this study was to examine the microbial contamination of computer keyboards with potentially pathogenic microorganisms in clinical area and to postulate that computer keyboards are significant reservoirs of nosocomial pathogen. Sterile swab samples were received from 20 computer keyboards randomly from fifth year medical and fourth year dental students at AlJabal AlGharbi University and Gharian teaching hospital during a period of one month. These computer keyboards were used in clinical areas (in hospital sitting or dental practice unit). Microbes obtained from the specimens were identified to the species level on the basis of colony morphology, gram stain, biochemical test and API. Organisms isolated from the keyboards included Micrococci, Bacillus spp, Coagulase–negative staphylococci and less common isolates were Staph. aureus, Bacteroides, Flavobacterium spp, Listeria grayi, and Pseudomonas spp. Some keyboards were also contaminated with anaerobic environmental organisms. The findings of this study add evidence to support the hypothesis that these particular surfaces may serve as reservoirs of nosocomial pathogens and vector for cross transmission of infection in universities and hospital setting

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Dr. Asma A A O Ahmad, Dr. Abdullah A A O Ahmad Bacterial contamination of computer keyboards as a source of infection Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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