Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Ayurvedic Management of Sidhma Kustha With Special Reference to Guttate Psoriasis–a Case Report

Dr S. K. Hiremath, Dr. Ambika Dhiman, Dr. Madhu Pathak

Abstract :

Kustha(psoriasis) is a type of skin disease encountered by Ayurvedic Dermatologists characterized in premonitory stage with symptoms viz. sparshajgytwam(numbness)atiswedonava(excessive and lack of sweati ng),vaiyavarnam(discolouration),kotha(macules), kandu(pruritis) etc.sthithmakustha is often co–related toguttatepsoriasis based on the clinical presentations. No satisfactory treatment is available in contemporary medical practice except anti histamines and topical steroids. Main line of treatment for kustha in Ayurveda is Shodhana and shamanoushadis. A patient approached to Nirvisha OPD of KLE Ayurveda Hospital with chief complaints of circular hard pathches,edema, and red scaly skin with intense itching at the back, chest and on both forearm was treated with Virechanaand few shamanaushadhi’s. A remarkable improvement in the condition was observed in a span of one month.

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Dr S.K.Hiremath, Dr. Ambika Dhiman, Dr.Madhu Pathak Ayurvedic Management of Sidhma Kustha With Special Reference to Guttate Psoriasis – a Case Report. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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