Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Awareness on Solid Waste Material Pollution and Global Warming Among Higher Secondary Students in Krishnagiri

E. Neelamegam, Dr M. Kanmani

Abstract :

A survey was conducted to find the awareness of solid waste material pollution and global warming among higher secondary students. The sample for the present study consisted of five hundred and thirty one standard eleventh students selected randomly from thirteen higher secondary schools in krishnagiri district. The objectives were, to find out whether there is any significant difference in solid waste material pollution and global warming among higher secondary Students on the basis of their demographic and institutional variables. The findings of the study were (ii) Higher secondary students from urban areas have more awareness of global warming than the students from rural areas. (iv)The higher secondary science, mathematics history and computer science students differ significantly in their global warming awareness. (v) There was a significant relationship between the awareness of solid waste material Pollution and their global warming. (vi) The higher secondary students have more awareness in global warming than solid waste material pollution.

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E.Neelamegam, Dr M. Kanmani Awareness on Solid Waste Material Pollution and Global Warming Among Higher Secondary Students in Krishnagiri Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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