Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

Awareness On Socio – Educational Rights Among Students Studying in Secondary School

Dr. A. Selvan, Dr. P. Paul Devanesan

Abstract :

Socio–Educational rights are one among the anches of human rights. The rights such as right to participate in a culture based programmes and activities, right to food, right to work and right to education are come under the category of socioeducational right. The rights related society and education must be known by the students so that they can comfortably live in the present world. The main objective of the study is to identify the knowledge of students in socio–educational rights and to enhance the same in future. The nominative survey method was used to identify the awareness on socio–educational rights. The investigator himself prepared the research tool and validated the tool. The reliability value I found to be .755 by using split half method. The data collected by the investigator by making use of the research tool and essential findings are given below: 1. student in secondary school have high level of awareness on socio–educational rights female students, rural students, Government school students, co–education school students have highest level of awareness on socio–educational rights. Female students have significant mean difference when compared with male students on awareness in socio–educational rights whereas in all other categories the differences are not present.

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Dr. A. Selvan, Dr. P. Paul Devanesan Awareness On Socio‾Educational Rights Among Students Studying in Secondary School Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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