Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015


Dr. P. Bruntha, B. Indirapriyadharshini

Abstract :

The financial service needs of the poor are simple, but their satisfaction can be life enhancing. A oad conception of microfinance emaces deposits, remittances, payments, micro–insurance and pensions, aside from credit. The poor need access to convenient, liquid and safe deposit services which are protected against inflation by positive real rates of interest. More recently, financial inclusion focuses attention on the need to ing previously excluded people under the umella of financial institutions. The study underlines that the financial inclusion of vulnerable sections like street vendors is very much needed for real inclusive growth. Inclusive growth is only possible if there is active participation of the excluded section in the overall growth process. The study points out that financial inclusion as a strategy would promote not only inclusive growth with stability but also equitable distribution of income and wealth and empower the deprived people. Pollachi is one of the developing towns in Coimbatore district. People of all profession live in Pollachi. As far as hawkers are concerned, Pollachi is filled with vendors and hawkers who play a vital role in the day to day activities in and around Pollachi. The study analyses the income level and banking habits of street hawkers. The study points out whether the measures taken by the government and banks regarding inclusive growth have reached the street hawkers.

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Dr.P.Bruntha, B.Indirapriyadharshini Awareness on Banking Services‾With Special Reference to Street Hawkers of Pollachi Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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