Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Autosomal Recessive Transmission of Hemophilia A: A Rare Case Report

Dr. Mamta K Muley, Dr. Rohit S Walse, Dr. Gajanan A Surwade

Abstract :

 A 25 years old female patient was admitted in this hospital for complaints of abdo pain, easy  fatiguability and giddiness since 7 days. Patient was a known case of some haematological disorder since childhood and required blood transfusion for the same every 2 to 3 yearly. After detailed history taking and thoroughly investigating, she was found to have Hemophilia A with an Autosomal Recessive Pattern of Inheritance.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Mamta K Muley, Dr. Rohit S Walse, Dr. Gajanan A Surwade, Autosomal Recessive Transmission of Hemophilia A: A Rare Case Report, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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