Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Autonomic Dysfunction in Bronchial Asthma

Dr. Sandeep Borse, Dr. K. P. Pathak, Dr. Jinesh Shah

Abstract :

Forty patients with onchial asthma and healthy subjects matched for age and sex were subjected to standardized tests to evaluate autonomic nervous system. Due care was taken to remove factors which could interfere with the results of the test. Tests requiring stimulation of the parasympathetic system e.g Deep eathing test, valsalva maneuver, showed heightened response. In deep eathing test P value was significant.(p value <.005). In Valsalva maneuver P value was significant (P<0.001). postural fall of blood pressure and sustained hand grip chiefly concerned with evaluation of sympathetic system did not show significant differences so these results suggest that hyper responsiveness of the parasympathetic system might be an important factor in pathogenesis of onchial asthma.

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Dr. Sandeep Borse, Dr. K. P. Pathak, Dr. Jinesh Shah Autonomic Dysfunction in Bronchial Asthma Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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