Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Automatic Energy Metering & Control Using Zigbee

Prof. S. B. Gholap, Nishikant Tukaram Bhosale

Abstract :

Efficient Energy Metering & Control Using Wireless Sensor Network is presented in this paper. Presently, the human operator goes to the consumer’s house and produces the bill as per the meter reading. Going to each and every consumer’s house and generating the bill is a laborious task and requires lot of time. If any consumer did not pay the bill, the operator needs to go to their houses to disconnect the power supply. These processes are repetitive and take so much time. Moreover, human operator cannot find the Un–authorized connections or malpractices carried out by the consumer to reduce or stop the meter readings. AEM (Automatic Energy Meter) puts more control into the hands of both utilities and consumers by giving them more detailed information about power consumption. This system includes intelligent electric meter, concentrator, specialized algorithm software and has advantages: (1) Synchronous acquisition of various power parameter; (2) Anomalies on power line can be detected by running special algorithm. Also, proposes strategies of energy conservation by compå relationship between electric power supply and consumption.

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Prof.S.B.Gholap, Nishikant Tukaram Bhosale Automatic Energy Metering & Control Using Zigbee Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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