Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Attributes of Success and Failure � A Students Perspective

Netra Neelam, Dr. Pradip Kumar Das

Abstract :

Attribution theory, proposed by Heider (1958) and developed by Weiner (1985) is used to explain the difference between high and low achievers. High achievers will approach rather than avoid tasks related to succeeding, because they believe success is due to high ability and effort, which they are confident of. Failure is thought to be caused by bad luck and is not their fault. Despite some uncertainty regarding the dimensions underlying people’s unitary attributions, the evidence is clear concerning one point: after failure people generally under score the importance of external causes, while after success, they tend to emphasize the causal impact of internal factor. The competent person not only wants to have control over the outcome, they should take responsibility for their success and failure. The present study is an attempt to find the factors (internal/external and stability and variability) being chosen by young students responsible for success and failure.

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Netra Neelam, Dr. Pradip Kumar Das Attributes of Success and Failure � A Students Perspective Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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