Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017


Yadaganti Raghu, Dr. Ch. Jayasankaraprasad

Abstract :

 Online grocery shopping is the process of buying groceries on website portals by using internet A structured questionnaire is industrialized to collect the data from IT employees in Bangalore city. Inferential statistics like  is applied to determine the factors which influence the consumer to buy groceries on online. The findings are demographic factors like are age, gender, family members,  internet usage has played a significant role and  factors like marital status, educational qualification and income levels are not playing a significant role in influencing the consumers to buy groceries in on online. 

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Yadaganti Raghu, Dr. Ch. Jayasankaraprasad, ATTRIBUTES OF ONLINE GROCERY SHOPPING IN INDIA, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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