Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Attitude Towards Teaching Profession of B.Ed Trainees in Pondicherry

Dr. J. Sahayarani, Dr. S. Leo Stanly

Abstract :

The present study aims at identifying the Attitude towards teaching profession of B.Ed trainees and significant difference between the sub samples of the students in respect of their Attitude towards teaching profession. The investigators have randomly selected 104 students from four different Colleges of Education in Pondicherry as sample. The scale ‘Attitude towards teaching profession’ developed and standardized by V.V.Katti and C.S. Banner was used in this study. Results reveal that the B.Ed trainees having positive Attitude towards teaching profession Also results reveal significant difference in Attitude towards teaching profession in the sub categories Sex, Subject and Locality

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Dr. J. SAHAYARANI, Dr. S.LEO STANLY Attitude Towards Teaching Profession of B.Ed Trainees in Pondicherry Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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