Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Attitude of the Passengers Towards Mini Bus Services

Dr. S. Rajamohan

Abstract :

India is a land of villages, people living in rural areas and in interior parts of the towns and cities was not facilitated with the adequate transport. The rural people have to go to the nearby towns for various purposes. The state transport services in rural areas do not meet all the requirements of the rural people upto their expectation. They are unable to play the hire charges of auto rickshaws and other hired vehicles. In order to overcome such difficulties, the Tamil Nadu Government has introduced minibus services. This is introduced mainly for the purpose of linking the people living in unserved rural areas to certain parts of neighboring towns. These buses are operated only by the private parties and the fare is fixed by government. In the modern era, the minibus services are unavoidable. They render valuable services to the passengers. They help to fulfill the ambitions of the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhiji once said that the village should be improved if at all India is to be improved to a large extent. This study comprise the southern districts of Tamil Nadu, the structured interview schedule has been prepared to assess the attitude of passengers. For analysing the attitude, 300 persons were selected by using convenience sampling. Besides, in order to assess the perception of the passengers different techniques/tools have been used. The Friedman Test has been used to assess the opinion regarding the availability of physical facilities, the result of this test is that there is some association between level of Job satisfaction and the physical facilities the Chi–Square test is used to analysis the safety aspects of this minibus. The result is that the sex and occupation influence level of attitude towards safety aspects minibus services and the marital status, age, educational qualification, and monthly income have no significant relationship. The K.S. test has also been used to analysis the opinion about social responsibilities of the operators and crew. The result of this test is that these is some differences about importance of rating given the respondents about unlimited stop, providing special seats for deserving passengers, flexibility in the services and so on.

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Dr. S. Rajamohan Attitude of the Passengers Towards Mini Bus Services Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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