Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


Mrs. Pallavi Sameer Talekar, Dr. Anna Fernandes

Abstract :

 Rapid change in society is inging new challenges in the field of education. The teaching learning process has to be changed as per the changing needs. To cope up with this new techniques of teaching are developed. The active learning technique develops critical thinking, problem solving skill among the students. This study focuses on finding attitude of the secondary school teachers about the use of active learning techniques. For this purpose the investigator has collected data from 50 the English Medium SSC Board secondary School teachers in Mumbai. The result shows that most of the teachers have positive attitude towards active learning technique but the teachers are not utilizing this technique because of various reasons like high class strength, rigidness in timetable, nonavailability of training in active learning strategies etc. This study is part of Ph.D study of the researcher which she is doing under guidance of Dr. Anna Fernandes.

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Mrs. Pallavi Sameer Talekar, Dr. Anna Fernandes ATTITUDE OF TEACHERS TOWARDS THE USE OF ACTIVE LEARNING TECHNIQUE Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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