Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Attitude of School Students towards Geography

P. Sarkar, K. K. De, N. C. Maiti

Abstract :

Of late Geography has drawn the attention of the students, schools and the society in India and more particularly in West Bengal. The present researchers like to see whether the Attitude of the students towards geography has been developed in consonance with the growing importance of the subject in the society. The authors developed a test on “Attitude of the Students towards Geography (with six dimensions)” in this connection. The test was administered on 800 boys and girls of class IX distributed over WB. With ANOVA, t–test and correlation it was found that (1) In general boys and girls do not significantly differ in their mean attitude scores towards geography scores but such difference is observed in urban habitat.(2) Boys of urban and rural habitats differ significantly in mean attitude scores towards geography.(3) In general students of different habitats significantly differ in their mean attitude towards geography. 4) Attitude & Achievement in Geography are significantly correlated.

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P. Sarkar, K. K. De, N.C.Maiti Attitude of School Students Towards Geography Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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