Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015

Attitude and Practices of Kutch Dyers & Printers towards the precautionary measures and handling Techniques in context to Azoic(Napthol) Dyes.

Ms. Beena Georgekutty, Dr. Nilambari. R. Dave

Abstract :

Kutch has living tradition of handicrafts that thrives in its cities, towns and villages. Dyeing and printing craft is the chief occupation of khatri community of Kutch. But various occupational health hazards are associated with dyeing and printing units. It is true that the work place is not proper and working conditions are non–congenial in most of the cases and involve risk factors. There are research studies and reports dealing with occupational risk factor among dyeing industry workers but such studies for dyeing and printing units of Kutch is yet to be done. So study on, “Attitude and practices of Kutch dyers and printers towards the precautionary measures and handling techniques in context to Azoic(Napthol) dyes”. Majority of the dyers and printers using Azoic (Napthol) dyes had knowledge and practice in safe handling of dyes and chemicals. Very few dyers and printers doing Azoic(Napthol) dyeing had a positive attitude and practice of weå personal protective wear or equipment. Very less dyers and printers had an appropriate attitude and practice towards use of first aid during accidental hazards.

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Mrs. Beena Sujit P, Dr. Nilambari. R. Dave Attitude And Practices of Kutch Dyers & Printers Towards The Precautionary Measures and Handling Techniques in Context to Azoic(Napthol) Dyes Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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