Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Astonishing Performance of Indian Women in Sports

Alkesh Vachhani

Abstract :

Womens fitness is in crisis in the UK, with fewer than one in five doing enough exercise to be healthy, a report will reveal today, prompting Gordon Brown to call for a cultural change to transform girls attitudes to sport. The prime minister, in a recorded address at the sports launch today, will warm of a “critical under– representation of women and girls in sports” all levels, and will urge a cultural change that allows girl to see sports and physical activity as a “spirational” ? According to Mark Baugh, PharmD, author of Sports Nutrition: The Awful Truth, “This is a natural process which is designed to protect the foetus from harsh environments humans live in.” ? Women have more estrogens and body fat than men which can be summed up in one word= metabolion. ? They have more testosterone, which allows than a higher percentage of muscle and because muscle is more metabolically active that fat, it burns more calories and revs up their metabolism. Today’s report, it time analyses the latest studies of sports participation, to identify the state of women’s fitness in Britain. While the country as a Whole is failing to meet the targets, women do worse the men, particularly in some age group. it found that 80% of women are doing too little exercise to benefit their health. The situation is worsening, according to the study. If trends continue, there will be one million fewer women exercising in 2017. It calls for a “national, joined – Up Strategy” to increase women’s performance in sport, involving sport, health and education government departments, as unwell as business and the media. While time, money and people to be active with all play a part in limiting Women’s access to sport “very specific” issues involving the body image and confidence of women and girls must be recognised and addressed, says the study. THE TOP 10 MOST GLAMOURS WOMEN IN INDIAN SPORTS ? DIPIKA PALLIKAL ? PRATIMA SINGH ? SANIA NEHWAL ? SANIYA MIRZA ? PT USHA ? BACHENDRIPAL ? MARY KOM ? SHARMILA NICOLLET ? SONIKA KALIRAMAN

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Alkesh Vachhani Astonishing Performance of Indian Women in Sports Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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