Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Astonishing Performance of Indian Women in Sports

Bathani Raksha K.

Abstract :

This paper attempts to present the key technical features and applications of WiMAX, and illustrate them by providing examples of usage scenarios in which WiMAX would be the preferred solution. There are many usage scenarios that can be addressed by WiMAX; however, the limited length of this paper means that we cannot address all of them. The WiMAX agenda is revolutionizing the oadband wireless world, enabling the formation of a global mass–market wireless industry. Putting the WiMAX revolution in the bigger context of the wireless industry, this paper portrays the recent acceleration stage of the Broadband Wireless Access market. Today’s operators require a smooth path to mobility; one that provides a future–proof solution, protects their investment and provides a sound business case. OFDM with sub channelization may be just the cost–effective solution they are after for their fixed to basic mobility business model. A solution that drives strong value differences in today’s oadband mobility market The introduction of the WiMAX to ensure its success, will do much to encourage the growth of oadband wireless markets everywhere, benefiting everyone in the delivery chain from equipment vendors to carriers to end users

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BATHANI RAKSHA K. Astonishing Performance of Indian Women in Sports Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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