Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Assured Protection & Veracity for Cloud Data Using Merkle Hash Tree Algorithm

M. Dillibabu, Ms. S. Kumari, Ms. T. Saranya, Ms. R. Preethi

Abstract :

Cloud Computing has been envisaged as Next Generation Architecture of IT vendor. A cloud storage system facilitates storage service with the desired collection of storage servers. Storing data in a third party’s cloud system causes serious concern over data confidentiality. Encryption schemes came forward to protect the data, but limit the functionality of the storage system over the encrypted data. Constructing a secure storage system that supports multiple functions is challenging when the storage system is distributed and has no central authority, so the Data Management and the Services are not Trust Worthy .In the proposed model, the Data Owner Sends the Data and it is Stored by splitting the Data using Merkle Hash Tree Algorithm and Verification Process is achieved for Data Safety, so that the data leakage can be prevented and requires authentication limitation to access the data in Cloud Storage Server (CSS), Third Party Auditor (TPA) is the Verifier Which Verifies the Data Block Randomly to Ensure the Trustability

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M. Dillibabu,Ms. S. Kumari,Ms. T. Saranya,Ms. R. Preethi Assured Protection & Veracity for Cloud Data Using Merkle Hash Tree Algorithm Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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