Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Assortment of Genetic Diversity in Brinjal (Solanum melongena) Genotypes Using ISSR markers

Jeevan B. Channe, Nilesh. V. More, Rupesh S. Kadam

Abstract :

Brinjal is an important tropical as well as subtropical vegetable crop, mostly used for different types of recipes. Also have a medicinal property which most important for human health. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity between Brinjal varieties. For this purpose, eleven primers were used to characterize five Brinjal varieties under cultivation in different state of India as contrasting genotype. 69 scorable bands were generated among 44 comprised polymorphic markers, with an average of 4 polymorphic bands per primer. In the generated dendrogram the accession were placed in cluster, where cluster A include only one genotype from MPKV India (Pusa Purple long) and cluster B is biggest cluster which include three genotype. This molecular marker tools are widely used in plant research such as phylogenic studies as well as in cultivar identification and germplasm management. The selected primers were used for the first time in Brinjal, representing valuable tools for future evaluations, with emphasis to diversity characterization and genetic mapping.

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Jeevan B. Channe, Nilesh.V. More, Rupesh S. Kadam Assortment of Genetic Diversity in Brinjal (Solanum melongena) Genotypes Using ISSR markers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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