Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Associative Assessment of Agriculture Sustainability, Environment and Poverty in the Hill Rural areas of Uttarakhand: A Study of Pauri district of Uttarakhand

Dr. Prashant Kandari

Abstract :

In the present study the hill rural regions of Uttarakhand absorbs the aspect of ‘Area Deprivation’. The Hill areas of Uttarakhand due to poor geographical settings and lack of infrastructure facilities present tough living and working condition for those residing in these hilly areas. This has always led to the problem of lack of Employment opportunities in these regions in secondary and tertiary sector which has led the inhabitants of these regions to be economically deprived or to migrate from these regions which has further degraded the sustainability of these regions. Agriculture and the allied activities are the only source of living to small extent and a source of subsistence to a large extent for the residents of these backward areas. But due various environment issues like climate change, natural disasters; agriculture sustainability is in danger which further aggravates the problems of poverty in these regions. The present study examines this association between the agriculture, poverty and environment existing in these regions along with its present status and potential it carries to develop these regions.

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Dr. Prashant Kandari Associative Assessment of Agriculture Sustainability, Environment and Poverty in the Hill Rural Areas of Uttarakhand: a Study of Pauri District of Uttarakhand Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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