Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Association of Serum homocysteine levels in stroke patient with CT scan findings

Dr. Raghav Jayaseelan, Dr. Syed Hafeezullah

Abstract :

 Introduction : The burden of stroke comprises largely of the elderly population. However, there remains a small but significant subset of younger patients with ischemic stroke, in whom conventional vascular risk factors play a smaller role. Hyperhomocysteinemia causes increased arterial blood pressure thereby increasing the risk of cereovascular accidents. Neuroimaging plays a vital role in the workup of acute stroke by providing information essential to accurately triage patients, expedite clinical decision making with regards to treatment, and improve outcomes in patients presenting with acute stroke. So the aim of the study is to study serum homocysteine levels to assess it‘s role as a risk factor for stroke with CT scan finding. Materials and Methods : 40 patients of cereovascular accidents admitted . The study was carried out in patients admitted with focal neurological deficit Serum homocysteine was estimated by enzymatic photometry method. CT scan was done for each patient. Results : It was found that the serum homocysteine levels were slightly higher in patients with recurrent stroke than new cases of stroke, Mean serum homocysteine levels were higher in patients with infarct than in patients with normal CT finding Mean serum homocysteine levels were higher in patients with hemorrhage than in patients with normal CT finding. Mean serum homocysteine levels were higher in patients with hemorrhage and infarct taken together than in patients with normal CT finding.Conclusion: CT allows time–critical decision–making in stroke patients, informing decisions on thrombolytic therapy with tPA, which has a narrow therapeutic index.People at risk for cereovascular diseases such as hypertension, smoking and sedentary lifestyle should be screened for hyperhomocysteinemia. In conclusion the present study revealed that hyperhomocysteinemia appears to be an important risk factor for cereovascular accidents.

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Dr.Raghav Jayaseelan, Dr.Syed Hafeezullah Association of Serum homocysteine levels in stroke patient with CT scan findings Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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