Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Association of end stage renal disease with Angiotensin converting enzyme Insertion/Deletion polymorphism.

Asmita. B. Patil, Dr. Mrs. J. V. Ganu

Abstract :

One of the major challenges is the increasing number of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Therefore, a better understanding of the pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is mandatory to develop strategies to prevent the progression of renal disease. The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) plays a pivotal role in many of the pathophysiologic changes that lead to progression of renal disease. RAAS is a well known regulator of blood pressure (BP) and determinant of target–organ damage. It controls fluid and electrolyte balance through coordinated effects on the heart, blood vessels, and Kidneys. Among the RAAS genes, angiotensin–converting enzyme (ACE) is said to be a major component and it has been extensively studied as a candidate gene for various disorders.ACE polymorphisms appear to have significant impact on the progression of ESRD. The focus of this paper is to review the RAAS component and their genetic characteristics and also the association between ESRD and ACE Insertion/ deletion (I/D) gene polymorphism.

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ASMITA. B. PATIL, DR. MRS. J. V. GANU, Association of end stage renal disease with Angiotensin converting enzyme Insertion/Deletion polymorphism., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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