Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Assessment of the dietary patterns among school going children with age–group (9 years –15years)–A gender comparison.

Snehal Maruti Rongte, Dr. Mrs. Rupali Sengupta

Abstract :

 Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.Thisstudy involved 132 subjects between the age group of 9 to 15 years and their dietarynutrientintake,anthropom etry measurement,andfood consumption pattern was studied.Theseparameterswerethencorrelatedtobodycomposition. Theirdietarynutrient intakeshowedthatenergyintakewasinadequate,followedbyhighconsumptionof carbohydratesandfatandtheproteinintakewaslowestoncomparisonwithRDA.Their anthropometryrevealedthatmostofthesubjectswerebelownormalstandardsascompared toCDC and WHO standards.Theirfoodconsumptionwasmonitoreditwasseenthattherewashigher  consumptionofjunkfoodandbeveragesintheirdiet.Thuswhentheseparameterswere compareditwasobservedthatdietarynutrientintakeandanthropometryhadapositive correlationwithbodycomposition

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SNEHAL MARUTI RONGTE, Dr. Mrs. Rupali Sengupta Assessment of the dietary patterns among school going children with age–group (9 years –15years)–A gender comparison. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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