Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Assessment of the association of Postpartum Depression and Patterns of Infant Feeding practices amongst Postnatal Mothers in a Tertiary care Hospital, in Central India.

Dr. Guddi Laishram, Dr. Abhishek Joshi, Dr. Shantajit Thokchom

Abstract :

 Breast milk provides the best and the complete nourishment for the baby during the first six months of life (1). During the first six months, exclusive east feeding should be practiced (2)(3). Appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are essential for optimal growth, cognitive development, and overall well–being in early vulnerable years of life (4). Poor infant and young child feeding practices have been identified as a major contributor to the high burden of childhood morbidity and mortality in many countries (5). According to a number of studies, psychosocial agents are a better predictor to anticipate the duration of exclusive eastfeeding, compared with demographic factors. Pre–partum anxiety and depression, which can lead to post–partum anxiety and depression, have an effect on eastfeeding cessation. Based on a number of other studies, there is an inverse association between eastfeeding frequency and maternal anxiety level (6). < clear="all" style="page–eak–before:always; mso–eak–type:section–eak" />

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Dr. Guddi Laishram, Dr. Abhishek Joshi, Dr. Shantajit Thokchom, Assessment of the association of Postpartum Depression and Patterns of Infant Feeding practices amongst Postnatal Mothers in a Tertiary care Hospital, in Central India., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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